Eight Short Films Every Movie Lover Should See
By Pam Nochlin What if you could turn back time with a turntable? What do building supers, who have the keys to your apt, do when you're...

The #1 Feature of a Meaningless Job
By Pam Nochlin For decades, Americans have ranked purpose as their top priority, above promotions, income, job security, and hours. Most...

Want to Succeed at Work?
By Pam Nochlin To succeed at work stop & listen Shake hands and look someone in the eye when you say hello Pick your head up; stop and...

Rise of the "Encore Entrepreneur"
Liz DiMarco Weinmann Founder/CEO of The DARE-Force Corporation was one of the women interviewed by BBC News on the rise of encore...

Five No-Fail Strategies to a Standout Interview
By Pam Nochlin The interview process is confusing and stressful for even the most polished and qualified candidate. What the interviewer...

Six Career Mistakes that Can Make you Look Like an Amateur
By Pam Nochlin Real pros do things in their everyday lives that set them apart from the amateurs.There’s nothing that makes a newbie an...

Management be Nimble
By Pam Nochlin Managment needs to be nimble in order to create a culture that encourages everyone to do their best work. You want to...

Just be Happy
By Pam Nochlin Martha Beck, life coach, author and ‘O’ magazine columnist whose main message is essentially, "if something feels really...

12 Ideas that Limit Personal Success
By Pam Nochlin The idea that: it is horrible when things are not the way we like them to be — instead try to change or control bad...

Women’s Economic Empowerment Summit
By Pam Nochlin Amazing day with many inspiring speakers including Billie Jean King, pictured here. Ms. King noted when she played her...